Encounter in the Twilight Zone -- at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

by Darin Volpe
Encounter in the Twilight Zone -- at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
Far from the light of the nearest star, two species meet. One is the more familiar, known as homo sapiens – Man. The other? A new species never before seen. And this meeting will take place...in the Twilight Zone.
In pitch blackness, a craft approaches a collection of green and blue lights flashing in the distance. As it gets closer, the lights can be seen moving along comb-like structures on the dark form ahead. As it approaches, the glowing red body of a distinctly alien creature comes into view, and first contact is made with a new life form.
This was the scene in 1979, when Alvin, probably the most famous DSV (Deep Submergence Vehicle), first discovered the Bloody belly comb jelly in the ocean off the coast of San Diego, California, Although they appear bioluminescent, it's light show is actually caused by its iridescent rows of cilia refracting the little light that penetrates into the the area between 650 and 3,200 feet underwater known as the twilight zone.
A vibrant, translucent red jellyfish-like creature glows against a dark background, with iridescent bands reflecting rainbow colors. The mesmerizing sea organism appears almost alien-like, displaying an intricate structure.
June 27th, 2024