First Runner Up -- Soyuz Descent Module at the Cabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, California

by Darin Volpe
First Runner Up -- Soyuz Descent Module at the Cabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, California
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
By the time John F. Kennedy committed to landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth on May 25th, 1961, the Soviet Union had already put up the world's first satellite, the first animals (a dog named Laika on a one-way trip and two others named Belka and Stelka who made the trip both ways,) and the first human (Yuri Gagain) who made one full orbit. Alan Shepard had barely made his 15-minute sub-orbital flight. The firsts for the Soviets continued through the decade with the first mission lasting a full day, the first time two manned spacecraft were in orbit simultaneously, the first woman in space, the first multi-person crew, and the first spacewalk. But in the end, they were the first world superpower to not land on the moon, making them the First Runner Up.
If the Russians had made it to the moon, a craft like this Soyuz 7K-OK Descent Module would have brought them home. The 7K-OK was in use from 1967 to 1971.
July 9th, 2019
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