Forest of Stone -- Hoodoos in Bryce Amphitheater at Bryce Canyon National Park, California

by Darin Volpe
Forest of Stone -- Hoodoos in Bryce Amphitheater at Bryce Canyon National Park, California
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
Bryce Canyon National Park in the last week of winter. This print is unusual in that it's not the traditional "snow-covered hoodoo" winter photo, but instead was shot after almost - but not quite - all of the snow had gone away for the year.
Bryce Canyon is a United States National Park located in the southwest part of the state of Utah. It has been called a "forest of stone" and "a cave without a ceiling" because of the enormous spires, or hoodoos, for which the park is best known. Technically not a canyon since it was not carved by a river, Bryce is actually a series of amphitheaters formed by ice and wind erosion.
May 1st, 2013
Comments (5)

KJ Swan
Congratulations on your outstanding win in the "Greatest of All Time American National Parks" contest. With over 500 entries, it's clear your "Forest Of Stone" was considered excellent to place second. A brilliant win for a brilliant image!

Michele Myers
Congratulations, Darin, your gorgeous photo of Bryce Canyon in late winter has been featured by the Philanthropic Artists For A Cause Who Donate FAA Proceeds or Original Art group! Thank you for your support of Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center serving San Louis Obispo County - liked!