Genuine Steampunk -- Charles Babbage Difference Engine No. 2 Mechanical Computer

by Darin Volpe
Genuine Steampunk -- Charles Babbage Difference Engine No. 2 Mechanical Computer
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
It's a modern fancy to imagine a world where Victorian art merges with modern technology. But those who saw the Babbage Difference Engine No.2 in person didn't have to imagine it.
An almost forgotten figure in computer history, Charles Babbage found himself frustrated by errors he found when checking manually calculated tables. Envisioning a better way, he set out to design a mechanical computing device that would eliminate human error from the calculations. Funded by the British government, he began work on his calculating engine. But as with many inventors, financing could not keep up with his genius. As he developed his designs he found ways to improve upon them, and he abandoned his current work to pursue the better plan. As a result, he failed to show the progress the govenment wanted, and so his funding was cut off.
Babbage never constructed the Difference Engine, but in 1991 the London Science Museum built one from his original plans. They turned the crank and it worked, just as Babbage imagined it over 150 years before. The machine was originally Intended to be run by steam, making this Victorian era computer real-life steampunk
April 30th, 2013
Comments (17)

Gary F Richards
Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L …voted for this in the MYSTERIOUS METAL contest

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Nikolyn McDonald
I love this - at first I thought it was an incredible photo of a high rise apartment building somewhere LOL Terrific industrial abstract.

Paul Foutz
Darin and Michele, please check out my group dedicated to San Luis Obispo county: http://fineartamerica.com/groups/san-luis-obispo-splendor.html

Michele Myers
Congratulations, Darin, your fascinating and detailed photo of the Babbage steam computer has been featured by the Philanthropic Artists For A Cause Who Donate FAA Proceeds or Original Art group! Thank you for your support of Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center serving San Louis Obispo County - liked! Great story of this historic machine!