Pelican Memories -- Wine Glasses in Baywood Park, California

by Darin Volpe
Pelican Memories -- Wine Glasses in Baywood Park, California
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
These are the kinds of screwy photos that got me where I am now. Just shoot it and see what happens, and don't let anybody tell you you're a nut!
This collection of wine glasses was photographed when I worked at The Salty Pelican, a restaurant in Baywood Park, California, in the 1990's. One afternoon I put as many glasses as I could fit on a hightop table in the bar just to see what kind of picture I'd come up with. It's about the oldest picture you'll find in my collection.
December 10th, 2020
Comments (6)

Gary F Richards
Spectacular capture, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the BEST EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY contest!

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!" Sharing on Pinterest Board - Images That Excite You!