Sea of Despair -- Surfer on a Wave in Cayucos, California

by Darin Volpe
Sea of Despair -- Surfer on a Wave in Cayucos, California
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
A dark silhouette on a weeping surfboard is pushed along by the immense power of a turbulent wave. Ahead, the sea shines like an emerald; the surfer maintains his control. But the question remains: will his ride end with grace or will he be thrown into the air and end up beneath the waves?
December 10th, 2016
Comments (15)

Hanne Lore Koehler
Congratulations, Darin, on your WATER FUN TIME contest 2nd place win with this spectacular surfer capture! Fantastic sunlight, shadows and color! L/F

KJ Swan
Amazing image! The natural symmetry of the surfer's body on a red board surrounded by a perfectly lit shot. Nice work.

Jenny Revitz Soper
I love Cayucos...been there twice, both times played poker in the rear of the saloon. What a wonderful capture in a great town! l/f