A Little Gray Hare -- Snowshoe Hare in Denali National Park, Alaska

by Darin Volpe
A Little Gray Hare -- Snowshoe Hare in Denali National Park, Alaska
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
This Snowshoe Hare was hiding in the darkness beneath the trees of Denali National Park. It is named for the size of its hind feet, which are large to prevent it from sinking into the snow of winter when it hops or walks. The rabbit's fur turns white in the winter to blend in with its snowy surroundings and becomes brown in the summer.
Denali National Park and Preserve is located about two hours north of Anchorage. It encompasses six-million acres of Alaska's wilderness and is a remarkable location for photographing wildlife, both large and small. The park was established in 1917 at Mount McKinley National Park, but was renamed to Denali when it was combined with the Denali National Monument, creating the Denali National Park and Preserve, in 1980.
January 10th, 2017