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Sampling the Air -- Western Terrestrial Garter Snake in Kings Canyon National Park, California Photograph by Darin Volpe

Comments (16)

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Darin – congratulations on this image being selected as an initial candidate for consideration in the October 2024 "Photo of the Month" for the Go Take a Hike Photography Group. Even though not advancing as a finalist, this image is most worthy of recognition as a superb photographic effort, so congratulations and well done! Please feel free to add this gem to the “Candidates for Photo of the Month” discussion thread in the group.

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

This harmless little snake sure looks fierce! Congratulations on your Group Admin's Pick from the Wildlife Facial Closeup contest! l/f

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Congratulations, Darin – your stunning scene has been selected as a Group Admin’s Pick from the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Wildlife Facial Close-Ups photo contest! It has been placed in the Special Recognition thread in the group discussion board for archive.

KJ Swan

KJ Swan

Congratulations for your winning entry in Wildlife Sticking Out Tongues contest! Great shot and a well deserved win. Fav'd

Flinn Hackett

Flinn Hackett

This is the image that just keeps on winning! As I scrolled through the "Sticking out Their Tongue" entries this stopped me cold. Love everything about it. Congratulations.

Robin Amaral

Robin Amaral

Darin, excellent up-close shot of the snake at the right moment. Beautiful clarity and color.

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Congratulations, Darin – your stunning scene finished second place in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Wildlife Sticking Out Tongues photo contest! It will be placed on the group homepage as a special feature for the week, as well in the Contest Winners thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Morris Finkelstein

Morris Finkelstein

Great nature photograph, Darin! Congratulations on your Second Place in the Wildlife Sticking Out Tongues contest! F/L/Following

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Congratulations, Darin – your stunning scene has been selected as a Group Admin’s Pick from the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Snakes and Lizards photo contest! It has been placed in the Special Recognition thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Relique Dorcis

Relique Dorcis

Very nice Gallery of work, L/F, Darin

John M Bailey

John M Bailey

Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!" Sharing on Pinterest Board - Images That Excite You!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your win in the Fear contest! LF

Shoal Hollingsworth

Shoal Hollingsworth

Congratulations on your first place tie in the Emotions-Fear contest

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Very cool image, Darin, congratulations on your win in the Emotions-Fear contest!

KJ Swan

KJ Swan

Great image! Love that tongue! L/F

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Sampling the Air -- Western Terrestrial Garter Snake in Kings Canyon National Park, California by Darin Volpe
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