Street Orchard -- Street Vendor in New York City, New York

by Darin Volpe
Street Orchard -- Street Vendor in New York City, New York
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
"Apples! Get your apples! Cherries only $2.50 a pound! Sweet juicy fruit available here!" It's a long way away from an orchard to Manhattan, so your friendly fruit vendor brings the orchard to you on a steel cart.
More than 10,000 people make a living on New York City sidewalks selling food. Nobody knows how many of those are fruit carts since the city doesn't differentiate what type off food the 5,000 licensed carts sell. Regulations are tight - food must be serviced and stocked by a licensed commissary, carts must be closer than eighteen inches from the curb and not closer than 20 feet from a building entrance. Or at a bus stop. There are hundreds of regulations and a typical vendor pays $433 in fines per year.
At the end of the day the carts are stored in garages for a typical monthly fee of $300.
October 1st, 2013