Rock Around The Clock -- 1964 Bel Air Radio in Golden State Classics Car Show, California

by Darin Volpe
Rock Around The Clock -- 1964 Bel Air Radio in Golden State Classics Car Show, California
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
Pop finally gave in and handed you the keys to his new '54 Chevy Bel Air with a "Drive safely and come home right after the movie." As soon as you're out of dad's sight you lower the windows, tune the radio to the new Rock 'n' Roll station, and speed to the drive-in to pick up your gal and meet up with your buddies. The carhop mounts the tray of 19ยข burgers and fries to the driver's window and afterwards you head to the drive-in theater to watch giant radioactive ants terrorize New Mexico. The ants destroyed, you drive out to your favorite parking spot and before you know it the clock's struck twelve. You guess you won't be taking the car out again for a while...
June 2nd, 2018