In The Shadow of the Moon -- 2017 Solar Eclipse in Independence, Oregon

by Darin Volpe
In The Shadow of the Moon -- 2017 Solar Eclipse in Independence, Oregon
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
On the morning of August 21, 2017, the shadow of the moon crossed the continental United States from Oregon to South Carolina. For those lucky enough to be along the path of the shadow, the sun vanished behind the moon for a brief period, the world fell into twilight, and a remarkable astronomical phenomenon appeared in the sky.
After two minutes behind the moon, the sun peeked out and I captured this image.
The Earth is treated to a total eclipse of the sun every 18 months - not as rare an event as you might think. The trick is being where the eclipse will be visible. Since over 70% of the Earth is covered in water, most eclipses occur where nobody but a few lucky boaters will see them, and when they do hit land they cross a small part of a continent. Hopefully in a place that's easily accessible. And if you're lucky enough to live on the path of totality of one eclipse, the next won't hit the same spot for an average of nearly 400 years.
August 26th, 2017