Who Put the Hex on These Falls? -- Latourell Falls in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

by Darin Volpe
Who Put the Hex on These Falls? -- Latourell Falls in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
When traveling east on the Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway from Portland, Oregon, Latourell Falls is the initial waterfall you encounter.
The Columbia River Gorge boasts a remarkable geologic past, marked by a massive lava eruption approximately 15 million years ago that inundated extensive areas of northern Oregon and Washington. As the lava gradually cooled, it took on the form of basaltic columns with distinct geometric patterns. Over the subsequent millions of years, the Columbia River meticulously carved through the rock, unveiling these hexagonal formations. Ultimately, a creek reached the canyon's brink, giving rise to the impressive 224-foot Latourell Falls.
Latourell Falls stands as a captivating location to witness the remnants of these ancient lava flows. Here, water cascades over 224 feet of columnar basalt formations before colliding with the rocks below. This waterfall serves as the focal point of Guy W. Talbot State Park, situated along the historic Columbia River Highway in northeast Oregon, offering a glimpse into the region's fascinating geological history.
January 11th, 2024