Ascending -- Woman Riding Escalator in a Subway Station in Los Angeles, California

by Darin Volpe
Ascending -- Woman Riding Escalator in a Subway Station in Los Angeles, California
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
It was a cold December day in the City of Angels. I came in on the 12:15 from the sleepy town of San Luis Obispo. I had time to kill - time enough to hop the Red Line towards Tinseltown. At a stop along the way I saw her. She wore a coat and hat - the kind of hat that could cast a shadow big enough to cover the town like a solar eclipse. Her handbag - it was big enough to hold three watermelons. I watched her ascend from the depths and disappear onto the streets of Los Angeles. My work was done - the pigeons could follow from here.
This photograph was made in a subway station on the LA Metro with a fisheye lens. I lay my upper body down on the divider between the up and down escalators, composed the shot, and waited. Soon I was rewarded with not only the perfect passenger, but a very cooperative flock of birds overhead. The result was this moody and mysterious photo.
November 5th, 2013
Comments (8)

Nikolyn McDonald
I adore this one - the tones, the clarity, and above all the perspective. Great framing of the scene through the opening and nice silhouette of the upward bound figures. Congratulations on the first place win in the ABC group's recent "U is for Upward Point of View" contest.

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations on your first place win in ABC Group's weekly contest - U is for Looking up! Very well done! LF

Nina Stavlund
I've seen many street shots, but this one certainly is unique! The perspective, angle and light, in addition to the vertical format, man and woman on the escalator, AND the birds, simply makes the whole image come together. Perfect composition, and effect. Technically superb. This is very good work. :o)

Ioanna Papanikolaou
Absolutely unique, stunning and excellent capture and perspective!!! l/f/tweet...