I'm an Eagle, Dammit -- Western Gull and American Flag

by Darin Volpe
I'm an Eagle, Dammit -- Western Gull and American Flag
Darin Volpe
Photograph - Photography
With the right attitude, you can be anything - but sometimes no matter how much you pretend, you're still just a seagull.
This is a composite of two photographs. The Western Gull was on Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco and the flag was flying over San Luis Obispo, California. The bird's determined expression combined with a recent presidential race inspired me to create this image of determination, ambition, self confidence, mixed with a good bit of fraud.
May 17th, 2013
Comments (8)

Diann Fisher
HA HA HA - I love your caption! This is adorable wanna be Eagle - Western Gull and All American hero! :) Love it Darin! (l/f)

Kristina Deane
Love his facial expression, so cute and funny! Wonderful photograph with the flag behind this great shot of the bird. L/V